Category: Nationally designated areas Country: Slovenia

Krajinski park Debeli rtič

Lat: 45.59199570166 Lng: 13.70872869662
Krajinski park Debeli rtič
Debeli Rtic Ladscape Park (Krajinski park Debeli Rtič) is situated at the extreme end of the Ankaran Peninsula (Slovenia). The heart of the park is the namesake cape with its marl cliff, natural coastal edge, and the layers of an underwater reef, representing a key area for preserving the biodiversity of the Slovenian coast.

The preserved natural coastal edge, rising 12 to 36 meters above sea level, is a geological and geomorphological specialty of the park. Fragile layers of marl rocks, forming the steep walls and extending underwater, are exposed to erosion and abrasion. The intense action of sea waves at the extreme part of the cape has shaped exceptionally attractive layers of the underwater reef, sheltering a sandy shoal.

An extensive, extremely shallow coastal strip extends up to approximately 100 meters from the shore and rarely exceeds a depth of 5 meters. On the well-lit seabed, dense underwater meadows of seagrasses and algal communities with various species of cystoseira thrive. In this rich underwater world, rare and endangered representatives of marine flora and fauna inhabit, including the greater weever, long-snouted seahorse, small sea spider, Mediterranean stone coral, loggerhead turtle, and Mediterranean monk seal.

The less steep cliffs are covered with heat-loving shrubs, while along the upper edge, a fringe of dense forest vegetation winds, dominated by planted coastal pine and native tree species such as oak, black hornbeam, and small-leafed ash. The distinctive character of the cape is enhanced by compact vineyard areas, including an islet of indigenous oak forest that once covered the entire peninsula.
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